About Us
At Tongue in Cheek Comics, we plan to bring you the comics you didn’t even know you wanted. All comics on this site will be independent and self-published. They will feature a variety of artistic talent, as well as a variety of bizarre tales. We will bring you everything from naked heroes to shape shifting alcoholic man-dogs and much more. On this site you will find digital issues of our ongoing series as they are released. Eventually you will also be able to spend all your hard earned or stolen cash on print issues, trade paperbacks, and other merchandise. Hope you enjoy!

Chad Colpitts
Not too much to tell in regards to comic experience. I’m a Canadian based writer. The Streaker is my first comic (insert virginity joke here), but nowhere near my last. My ability to draw is non-existent, my circles are ovals, and my ovals are circles. I know I sound square, but my squares are rectangular. That’s why I’m the writer. I’ve had the idea for The Streaker for a long time, but the few attempts I made didn’t quite pan out.
However, the planets have now aligned and I have finally gotten off my ass. Which has allowed me to finally show people The Streakers ass, and you will see a lot of that. Besides that my hands are usually dry, I can’t whistle, and I just recently figured out the full extent of the Shift key. So now you know a little about me, and soon you’ll get to know a whole lot about the ridiculous radioactive rescuer that is The Streaker!

Matt Garbutt
The talented artist behind The Streaker. He’s an artist (duh) and animator based out of the UK and is also putting out his own comic series called OH Sh**t Zombies. He rocks a fantastic cartoon style that is a treat for the eyes, and he is an expert in the art of butt drawing. You can check out his art on Instagram and/or support him on Patreon.

Cam Hayden
Cam Hayden wore a hat, had a job & brought home the bacon so that no one knew he drew the following titles: B-Movie Garbage, Futility, Shitty Stories, Red Flag, CCF Comics & Death Metal Duck, among other things.You can find him here: Facebook
or on Twitter: @lancegoiter

Jillian Dolan
Jillian Dolan is a self taught illustrator and sequential artist with a passion for the strange and disturbing. Not afraid to get cute, she lives with one Tall Peter and one adorable doggo. Her past work can be found at nihilistdinosaur.com along with her self-published comics 'Misha' and 'Kyle the Nihilist Dinosaur'. When not working on FrankenSon, she spends her time preparing for art school and painting eyebrows on puppies. Her website: https://nihilistdinosaur.com

Sho Uehara
Illustrated Exclusive Calgary Expo covers for BOOM! Studios line of comics for Adventure Time, Fiona & Cake, and Regular Show. Editorial illustrations for the Calgary Herald's "Swerve Magazine" line. Illustrated a children's book last year for Inhabit Media Press focusing on Bowhead Whales. Creator/Cartoonist for a self-published Fairy Tale Graphic Anthology titled "Wishless", and for a new comic book titled "Repose" that debuted at the Calgary Expo. https://shouehara.com/

Roberto Duque
Roberto is a TV writer and producer. When he couldn’t find work he went back to his first passion: drawing. He’s not bitter or anything. You can find his work on multiple licensed card sets, Red Sonja pinup, Stranger Things, and Ghostbusters artbooks. He was able to take his skills as a writer and artist to craft creator-owned projects like comic series Septembryo and webcomic Escaping Falconridge. Twitter Facebook Instagram

Matt Stewart
Thriving on a rich diet of comic books, cereal, and movies, Matt Stewart is an illustrator residing in Calgary, Alberta. For many years he has created artwork for trading card companies including Topps, Upper-Deck, Cryptozoic, Rittenhouse, and more. His work has been used for sketch cards and reprinted as trading cards in numerous sets including MLB, UFC, Star Wars, Marvel Comics, Aliens, and more. Matt’s artwork has also been published in a number of books such as The Stranger Things Art Book, Ghostbusters Art Book, Doc Christmas, and In Places Between. He has also created artwork for album covers, scientific publications, bookmarks, T-Shirts, movies, TV shows, and more.